Instapundit Calls It McCain Derangement Syndrome--What to do?
I am hearing more and more about how conservatives are thinking of bailing out of the election if McCain is the nominee of the Republican party. Thus throwing the election to Hillary Clinton or Barak Obama. Michelle Malkin's blog had a "We'd rather have a Dem ruin the country than a Republican" post about that very thing. Instapundit called it "McCain Derangement Syndrome" and gave the wise advice: "This is politics, the art of the possible, not the ideal."
I wrote the following to Michelle:
I read your post on McCain and the letters from readers of your blog. I'm
no fan of McCain either. McCain/Feingold and McCain/Kennedy make me worry
greatly that Senator McCain will betray conservatives.
However, it is also a truism that cutting off your nose to spite your face is never a smart strategy. I keep hearing about Republicans threatening to vote Democrat or
to just stay home on election day if McCain is the Republican nominee. The
argument is something like, "If it's all going to go to hell, I'd rather see a Democrat do it."
Here's the thing... If a Democrat is elected, the Universal Health Care they will implement will NOT be something that can be undone in 2012. If a Democrat is elected, the debacle they will leave behind in Iraq and the Middle East in general will not be something that can be undone in 2012. The damage to the economy as a result of higher taxes and punitive taxes on business will not be something that can be undone (at least the 4 years of damage that will occur) in 2012. The
capitulation and pandering to global warming alarmists and resulting taxes
and whatever other insanity that comes from that will not be something that can
be undone in 2012. The appointment of extremely liberal Supreme Court
Justices cannot be undone in 2012.
Yes... I agree that a McCain/Kennedy type immigration plan will not be undone either. But we can hold a President McCain's feet to the fire on some issues. We can do what we did to the original McCain/Kennedy and make our voices heard through
Congress. Remember... the person sitting in the Oval Office isn't all powerful. But, that person is Commander in Chief. Do we want to punish McCain and the Republicans by making Hillary Clinton or Barak Obama Commander in Chief?
If McCain is the nominee, we shouldn't give the Democrats a free ride to the White House to punish him. We should say, "OK, John... if you want the job, we're going to hold your feet to the fire on conservative issues. You want a one term presidency? Or, do you want to really make a mark on history?" Then we should work our proverbial butts off to elect conservative Representatives and Senators. Balance out
McCain's worst instincts with people who will not let him make mistakes we can't
Don't let the Dems "ruin the country". We have to live here. How much did we enjoy the last 2 years of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid leading the House and Senate? Cutting our noses off to spite our faces worked out well there, didn't it? Now we want to do further damage by giving them a President (Hillary or Barak) that is just as liberal (or moreso) than they are? Now we're willing to give them four years to implement programs that will have the government reaching deeply into our pockets for the rest of our lives? And we're willing to allow liberal foreign policy and to let the Soros crowd make policy in the war on terror? I don't think so!
If McCain is the nominee, we will know we need to press him, and give him a Congress to work with that will fight his worst liberal instincts. However, we will also know that on some extremely important and life altering issues, he is a far, far better choice than any Democrat. This is still life and death in the war on terror. This is still about capitalism vs socialism. We conservatives will do unalterable damage to ourselves if we punish John McCain by giving the White House to a Democrat. If we do that by staying home, or voting for the Dem nominee, we will have only ourselves to blame as the troops precipitously leave Iraq, Iran becomes a nuclear power, the UN gains power over the American purse, and our wallets quickly empty due to oppressive taxation. Will we feel better about that just because we can say, "at
least a pseudo-Republican didn't get in there and screw up immigration"?
(A guarantee with a Democrat president, by the way.)
If McCain's the nominee, we need to gear up, not give up. We can't live with a Clinton or Obama presidency!