Thursday, November 17, 2005

Kerry: Bush Misled

I usually can't watch John Kerry. I just don't believe he believes a word that comes out of his own mouth. But, I was flipping through the channels and landed briefly on CNN and Wolf Blitzer was interviewing Kerry. He asked about the Senate having the same intelligence as the president. Unfortunately, I paused long enough for the answer, somehow curious to see what Kerry would say.

He went into a fact barren rap about Bush misleading and exaggerating, then said, "Let me give you an example. In the State of the Union speech, the President told the American people that Saddam had tried to buy nuclear material from Africa... from Niger..." Impulsively, my finger hit the "up" button.

I sat stunned. Could they REALLY be countering the "congress had the same argument" rebuttal with the ol' Joe Wilson bullshirt? Are they unaware that the British STILL stand by their intelligence on that story? Are they unaware that it turned out that Wilson himself, in his report to the CIA, said more to confirm it (yes, Iraqi agents wanted to discuss trade relations with a country whose only real export is yellowcake uranium) than deny it? THIS was Kerry's example? Oh, lordy... these people are bankrupt.

Please, if you haven't done it yet, read this article at Front Page Magazine for a UNSCOM and ISG inspector's take on WMD. Favorite quote: "Iraqis have told me that the WMD destruction and movement started after Operation Desert Fox, since after all, who would be so stupid to start a bombing campaign and just stop. It was only after Saddam realized that President Clinton lacked the nerve for anything more than a temper-tantrum demonstration that he knew the doors were wide open for him to continue his weapons program."

Wilson has been debunked so much it's rediculous, so I'm sure you can find as many links as I can. Also see this article from June 2004 regarding Iraqi WMD and WMD manufacturing equipment being found all over the world after a hurried dismantling before the war. In my post below, I link to the final Iraq Survey Group report. Please read the whole post.


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